Will your planned experience invite, intrigue, be embraced enough? 


Experience projects range from framing and cohering the story content for an immersive media environment, to integrating verbal with visual elements; to brainstorming what an interactive experience could become, include or offer participants. Be it a physical space...or an ongoing brand experience connected across many touch points.

Always thinking strategically, creatively, humanly.

A prime example...

  • HP, joint development of an immersive media experience for the Company’s newly-built Executive Briefing Center in Palo Alto, CA. Chief Marketing Officer Marty Homlish had this to say about the results: "The center is a physical expression of our brand and an important milestone for the HP Experience. The center provides customers with an immersive journey through HP’s portfolio and brings our commitment to customers, innovation and the environment to life...It’s a beautiful expression of our brand and our people."